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Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB725404) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11172164 and 11572184).
The pedestrian counterflow through a bottleneck in a channel shows a variety of flow patterns due to self-organization. In order to reveal the underlying mechanism, a cellular automaton model was proposed by incorporating the floor field and the view field which reflects the global information of the studied area and local interactions with others. The presented model can well reproduce typical collective behaviors, such as lane formation. Numerical simulations were performed in the case of a wide bottleneck and typical flow patterns at different density ranges were identified as rarefied flow, laminar flow, interrupted bidirectional flow, oscillatory flow, intermittent flow, and choked flow. The effects of several parameters, such as the size of view field and the width of opening, on the bottleneck flow are also analyzed in detail. The view field plays a vital role in reproducing self-organized phenomena of pedestrian. Numerical results showed that the presented model can capture key characteristics of bottleneck flows.
Recently, pedestrian flows have attracted more attention due to many interesting collective behaviors in various situations.[1] A typical scenario is pedestrian flow along a channel which is easy to observe experimentally and simulate numerically. If there is not a bottleneck available, the simplest flow is the unidirectional pedestrian flow which is similar to the multilane traffic with lane-changing behaviors. One may obtain basic characteristics of pedestrian flow, such as the fundamental diagram and the transition from free flow to congestion. However, the more interesting case is the pedestrian counterflow which is significantly different from vehicular traffic. Lanes are formed where pedestrians move in one direction, therefore pedestrians can move with higher speeds since strong interactions with oncoming ones are reduced significantly. Kretz et al.[2] studied the pedestrian counterflow in a corridor experimentally. They found that the sum of flow and counterflow in any case turns out to be larger than the flow in all situations without counterflow. Lane formation in pedestrian counterflow has been reproduced by many models, such as the social force model[3] and the centrifugal force model.[4] The original lattice gas model seems not to provide an efficient mechanism to make such a phenomenon reoccur.[5] However, Tajima et al.[6] extended the lattice gas model by introducing the view field to achieve the end goal. They studied the effect of others in the same and opposite directions in each pedestrian’s view field, respectively. They have shown that both mechanisms lead to lane formation but they are quite different. The effect on lane formation of the latter mechanism is weaker than the former. Li et al.[7] have considered both the effect of others in the same and opposite directions in each pedestrian’s view field. Pedestrian counterflow in a channel has been extensively investigated by researchers with different models.[8–14]
In the presence of bottlenecks (e.g., doors), a variety of phenomena have been revealed by experiments,[15–17] e.g., the formation of lanes at the entrance to the bottleneck, clogging and blockages at narrow bottlenecks, and the oscillatory flows where the passing direction of pedestrian flow changes at bottlenecks occasionally. Helbing et al. have investigated both unidirectional and bidirectional pedestrian flow passing the bottlenecks with different lengths.[18] They found an unexpected result that bidirectional flows are more efficient than unidirectional flows. When the opposing flows interrupt each other at a narrow bottleneck, they found irregular oscillations of the passing direction. The switch of the passing direction is explained by the pressure difference between the crowds at the two sides of the bottleneck. Another typical bottleneck flow should be noted, i.e., the evacuation from a room, which has also been investigated by many researchers.[19–28] In most cases, the crowds pass through exits in the same direction during evacuation process. Tajima et al.[29] have used the lattice gas model to study unidirectional pedestrians flowing through a bottleneck in a channel. They showed the transition from free flow to choked flow and the existence of scaling behavior. However, the most interesting and challenging issue is the bidirectional pedestrian flow through bottlenecks. Helbing et al. have exhibited the oscillatory flow at a bottleneck by the social force model.[3] Bursteded et al.[19] suggested a novel cellular automaton (CA) model by introducing the so-called floor field. They also reported that this model can reproduce lane formation in pedestrian counterflow and oscillatory flows at bottlenecks. However, it seems that force-based models, e.g., the social force model, gave better descriptions about the bidirectional bottleneck flow than rule-based models (e.g., CA models), especially in the case of narrow bottlenecks. Most of the previous investigations on this issue were performed by force-based models.[4,30,31] It is partly due to the reduction of freedom in CA models, in which walkers have to move in discrete grids with discrete velocities. Therefore, it is easy to produce complete congestion of pedestrians passing through the bottleneck from opposite directions. On the other hand, most of the related works mainly showed that their models can make the oscillating flow at a bottleneck reoccur. When the bottleneck is narrow, the incoming flow usually exceeds its capacity. Therefore, the only possible flow may be the oscillating one.
When the bottleneck is wide, the bottleneck flow will exhibit various self-organized phenomena. In a certain density range, the bidirectional pedestrian flow may have the characteristics of both the channel flow and the bottleneck flow. Therefore, these patterns of bottleneck flows at different densities and the effect of the width of bottlenecks on capacity drop are of concern and merit further investigations. However, the bottleneck flow in the case has not been investigated entirely in a quantitative way yet, especially using cellular automaton models.
In this paper, a cellular automaton model is proposed to investigate pedestrian counterflow through a bottleneck in a channel under periodic boundary condition. The presented model is based on the floor field CA model with the introduction of the view field. It can reproduce well not only the lane formation of bidirectional pedestrian flow in a channel, but also the oscillating flow at a narrow bottleneck. More attention was paid to the case of the bottleneck flow with a wider opening which shows various flow patterns in different density regimes.
In Section 2, the floor-field cellular automaton model is improved to include the effect of the view field in order to mimic the oscillating flow. Numerical simulations are carried out. Both flow patterns and quantitative results with different parameters are given in Section 3. Conclusions and suggestions for further research are presented in Section 4.
The presented cellular automata model is defined on the square lattice of L × W sites, where L and W are the length and width of the channel, respectively. Figure
![]() | Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the pedestrian counter flow through a bottleneck in a channel. The view field of a right walker is shown together. |
The preferential direction of a walker is determined by the static floor field which was first suggested by Burstedde et al.[13] In this case, there exist two static floor fields, namely, SR and SL, generated by the right and left boundary respectively, which drive right and left walkers to move forward. The bottleneck is treated as an obstacle, hence the floor field is calculated by the method suggested by Huang et al., which is suitable for complex structures, such as a room with obstacles. The static floor field SR is shown in Fig.
A walker can shift left or right, move forward or backward to his nearest neighbors in a single time step according to the corresponding probabilities (see Fig.
In fact, a walker interacts not only with his nearest-neighbor walkers but also with others in his perception range. Therefore, the view field is introduced to extend the range of local interaction among walkers, which has a similar effect to the dynamic floor field to some degree but is more effective. In this study, the view field of a walker is represented by a rectangle area, which is divided into three parts, i.e., front left, front, and front right. Both front left and front right parts have the same size of m × n, where m (n) is the length (width) of the corresponding part. The front part has the size of m × 1. The three parts do not overlap with each other. Thus, the total size of the view field is m × (2n + 1). It is generally known that a walker tends to follow the leaders in the same direction and keep away from those in the opposite direction in reality. Such a behavior is modeled as follows: walkers will adjust their transition probabilities according to the number of others with the same and opposite directions in their view fields. With the help of view field, walkers take proper actions in advance before they are in direct contact with others. Therefore, it is expected to alleviate conflicts among walkers and then enhance the efficiency of walking. Since the presented model includes both global floor field and local view field, it is named double-field (DF) model in the paper.
The movement of each walker is determined by the following rules.
All walkers update their movements at the same time, i.e., the parallel updating is adopted in this study.
The simulation of pedestrian counterflow through a bottleneck in a channel is performed under periodic boundary condition. The size of a cell corresponds to approximately 0.4 m × 0.4 m, which is the typical space occupied by a person in a dense crowd.[13] Initially, walkers with the given density are distributed randomly in the studied area. The total density ρ is defined as the number of all walkers divided by the capacity of the area. The density of left (right) walkers is determined by calculating the fraction of left walkers f, i.e., ρl = ρ f and ρr = ρ (1 − f). The average velocity in each time step is defined as the number of walkers moving towards their preferential direction divided by the total number of walkers existing in the area. The average flux is defined as the number of walkers passing the bottleneck per unit of time. The following parameters were used in the simulation unless otherwise stated: W = 20, L = 50, w = 5, ks = 1, m = 10, n = 2, and f = 0.5. The view field covers a rectangle area of 4 m × 2 m which is the approximate perception range of a pedestrian in normal conditions. Each run of a simulation takes 2 × 103 time steps. The final results are the average of 100 runs of simulations.
First we identify typical flow patterns at different densities (see Fig.
As we know the view field enhances the range of interaction among walkers, therefore it is necessary to study how the size of the view field influences the walkers’ movement. Figures
![]() | Fig. 5. Plot of the average velocity (a) and the flux (b) against density with various m and fixed n(= 2). The curve in the case of no view field (i.e., m = n = 0) is shown together for comparison. |
![]() | Fig. 6. Plot of the average velocity (a) and the flux (b) against density with fixed m(= 10) and various n. The curve in the case of no view field (i.e., m = n = 0) is shown together for comparison. |
As shown in Fig.
We investigate the effect of the fraction of left walkers, i.e., f, on the bottleneck flow. It is found that the average velocity and the flux in the symmetric case of f = 0.5 are larger than those in the asymmetric cases before the critical density. The maximum flux appears in the symmetric case of f = 0.5 (see Fig.
Then we investigate the effect of the sensitivity parameter of the static floor field kS on the bottleneck flow (see Fig.
Finally, we investigate the effect of the width of the bottleneck shown in Fig.
The purpose of this paper is to get a better understanding of the bidirectional pedestrian flow through a bottleneck at various densities. To achieve the goal, we have proposed a double-field (DF) cellular automaton model which incorporates both the floor field and the view field. This model can reproduce typical self-organized phenomena in pedestrian flow, such as lane formation. Then we adopted this model to investigate dynamical collective behaviors of pedestrian counterflow passing a wide bottleneck in a channel. More attention is paid to the flow patterns at different densities in the symmetric case of f = 0.5. Six typical flow patterns are identified as rarefied flow, laminar flow, interrupted flow, oscillatory flow, intermittent flow, and choking flow. In the asymmetric cases, the dominant flow is the most striking phenomena. It is found that the view field plays a vital rule in reducing the conflicts among walkers, and therefore the efficiency of walking is enhanced. It can be viewed as an example of optimal self-organization. It turns out that this model provides a more realistic description of pedestrian flow and can be further applied to other cases.
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